About Me

My journey into the energy arts was guided by my desire to help people and to alleviate pain and suffering. Covid came at a pinnacle point in my life, as I was transitioning from student to practitioner.

As much as I felt the external world putting pressure on me to be of service to others, I knew deep down that I first must go within to begin my own healing journey. In true form, the Universe provided me with the tools that I needed to begin this process. Taking those first steps in truly taking responsibility for my own health,  wellbeing and healing had lead me to many insights and wisdom that could only be gained by taking a moment (or two...or three...) out of life.

We are on a journey of remembering who we are...

These insights came from no book, no teacher, no spiritual guru or podcast, but it came from within. I started to become my own reference point, and with that came so much clarity and empowerment. I started to see myself as a creator of my outer world, by changing the thoughts, feelings and beliefs and releasing my traumas and fears that were no longer serving me in my inner world.

This had also opened up my world to supporting and healing animals and the Earth too, as I began to see the deep connection between all of us and the need to restore balance and harmony within us all.

What I love about working with energy and consciousness, is that it is a dance between spirit, science and art. It creates opportunity for huge transformation in people who are willing to take responsibility of their own lives. It is my calling to share my wisdom and gifts with you on your journey to self-heal and creating the reality that you want. 

Hi, I'm 


Experience & Qualifications

School of Life since '92

Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Laws

Diploma of Kinesiology HLT52415

Past Age Clearing & Healing Certification

Neuromuscular Release Therapy Certification

Earth Healing Practitioner Certification

Intuitive Meditation Teacher Certification

The Foundation

The Heaven On Earth Foundation is a not-for-profit, unincorporated private foundation which facilitates programs and services to assist humanity to navigate consciousness and the ability to self-heal.

The vision of the foundation is to bring what we all know deep within our hearts to our reality- to bring heaven on earth. As we journey through transmuting our fears and embodying the infinite love that each of us, we begin to co-create a world that aligns with our consciousness.